Brief synopsis of your job?

I am the research and development supervisor for the Enfer Group, which means I oversee all research going on within the lab. I oversee the new projects which come into the lab, where we conduct research from the beginning of the project, until the product leaves our doors – if it ever makes it that far. I design experiments and designate roles within the lab, ensuring everything runs to plan.

What did you study in college? Was it what you had hoped to do?

I had always hoped to go down the scientific route. I started off studying general science in Carlow IT and I went on to specialise in industrial biology. I then went on to a PhD in microbiology.

How did you come to work in Enfer Group?

After college, I started out working in Trinity Biotech, followed by the scientific solutions company, Olympus. However I wanted to move closer to home so when the job offer came up in Enfer, I jumped at the opportunity.

What would you say to anyone interested in working within this sector?

I would advise anyone with an interest in science to try study the three core science subjects in secondary school to get a good base understanding of all aspects of the sector. I’d advise people to gain experience before choosing a career path, to find out if you’re suited to lab work as it isn’t everyone’s taste. If you enjoy the practical side of science, study a degree that is practical-based.