The European Commission has opened an investigation into a urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) anti-dumping case in 2019.
This follows significant lobbying by European farm organisation COPA COGECA assisted by FARM, IFA, AGPB (French wheat producers) and FNSEA (French farming organisation). The Directorate-General for Trade has written to some of the parties asking for clarification on several issues relating to the market for UAN in the EU and the impact of increasing gas prices on the fertiliser industry.
Interestingly, the letter references the impact on farmers and the suggestion that EU production could be impacted.
While this specific issue occurred prior to the current price explosion, there seems to be growing political concern regarding the impact of these high price levels on production.
While this investigation only refers to an incident involving UAN, it is possible that the current political mood might force it to spill over into all fertilisers and to question the impact of current market protection measures.
There is a growing call from lobbyists across the EU to suspend customs tariffs and anti-dumping duties on all fertiliser imports as they add to internal prices.
Tillage Industry Ireland will also send a letter to national and EU leaders to support action on this escalating input cost.