Everyone in the UK will have access to high-speed broadband by 2020, the UK Government has announced.
The Government will introduce legislation next year requiring broadband providers to deliver speeds of at least 10Mbps, under Universal Service Obligations (USO).
The Scottish Government also announced that it will ensure 100% access [at least 24Mbps] to “every single home and business” by the end of 2021.
Fergus Ewing, cabinet secretary for the rural economy and connectivity, made the announcement in the Scottish Parliament this week. This is part of the Scottish Government’s Reaching 100%, or R100 programme.
The Scottish Government will procure for the project across three “regional lots” and aims to have suppliers in place to start building in early 2019.
A spokesman for BT Openreach, Scotland’s principal broadband provider, said: “We respect the [UK] Government’s decision.
“We look forward to receiving more details from the Government outlining its approach to defining the regulatory USO, including the proposed funding mechanism.”
On R100, the spokesman continued: “We’ve been open about our wish to participate in the R100 process and look forward to seeing the detail of the tenders.”