Payments have started to issue under the Beef Data and Genomics Programme (BDGP), the Minister for Agriculture, Michael Creed, has announced. The payments are worth €37m to the 21,000 farmers who are compliant with the 2017 requirements.Minister Creed said: “Payments under BDGP II will also commence in the coming days.
Payments have started to issue under the Beef Data and Genomics Programme (BDGP), the Minister for Agriculture, Michael Creed, has announced. The payments are worth €37m to the 21,000 farmers who are compliant with the 2017 requirements.
Minister Creed said: “Payments under BDGP II will also commence in the coming days.
“BDGP payments will continue to issue on an ongoing basis as more farmers verify their compliance with the 2017 scheme requirements.”
The minister urged participating farmers “to return all surveys and genotyping samples and/or complete the carbon navigator update as soon as possible to facilitate payment”.
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