“ICBF’s stupidity in pursuing the star system is destroying the quality of our cattle. The breed societies have put conformation to the fore and this has created our worldwide reputation for quality and now ICBF’s star ratings will have us breeding little fat lumps with no arses out of Friesian cross cows.”
– Gerry Burke, Roscommon “In any walk of life, you must have data recorded to know where you are going. How far would you get around the Ring of Kerry in the dark if you decided to turn off the lights?”
– Brendan Hanley, Longford
“ICBF’s stupidity in pursuing the star system is destroying the quality of our cattle. The breed societies have put conformation to the fore and this has created our worldwide reputation for quality and now ICBF’s star ratings will have us breeding little fat lumps with no arses out of Friesian cross cows.”
– Gerry Burke, Roscommon
“In any walk of life, you must have data recorded to know where you are going. How far would you get around the Ring of Kerry in the dark if you decided to turn off the lights?”
– Brendan Hanley, Longford
“No winners in this row. I can see the view the breed societies have taken but also, I do believe SCEP is leading us in the right direction, however stars aren’t the be all and end all.”
– Martin Ryan, Tipperary
“When you see some of the best quality/bred cattle drop from five-star to one-star, it’s obvious quality is not taken into account. It’s more politics than quality. The ICBF should be scrapped. Totally unfit for purpose.” – Pat O’Leary, Kerry
“I agree in general with ICBF but I would like to see a higher value given to the maternal traits of the Charolais breed. Many cows have a very high butter fat content and quite good yield as well, great pelvis and all round very good mothering abilities.” – Padraig Jinks, Sligo
“ICBF has skewed the figures to suit schemes and Teagasc agenda for dairy beef. The marketplace has left both behind with trade soaring while ignoring stars. Farmers have lost confidence in the data. ICBF has ignored breed societies for a number of years and now it has come back to hold them accountable.” – Jean Fegan, Carlow/Kildare
“I think there are a lot of positives to what ICBF do, but the big issue I see is where a good breeding, which is producing excellent results yet has a poor index, then I see a poor producing cow having high index just because. It takes too long to improve a cow index and by the time you are going in right direction cow is gone.” – Andy McMahon, Clare
“[ICBF] is a waste of tax payers’ money, paying their wages. There were good cattle long before their existence and there will be also after them.” – Neil O’Shea, Kerry
“The issue for all the pedigree societies is their clear lack of interest in poorer quality stock bulls which a lot of breeders produce and overfeed with meal to hide their poorer quality. They are struggling to sell these animals anymore due to the index which shows their poorer quality and the real main issue is reduction in suckler farmers numbers which reduces demand for these bulls, full stop.” – Josephine Regan, Galway
“It’s enough to have Trump ignore the science.”
– Kevin Breen, Offaly