Thursday’s sale at Castlerea mart saw a strong seasonal entry of 500. Demand on the day was mainly from farmer buyers and Northern feeders. Northern demand was very evident in the bullock and heifer rings, while the dry cows and breeding stock also reported a very lively trade.

Weanling and calves are also much sought after at the moment with farmer and exporters driving the trade. Good quality bullocks sold from €750 to over €1,100 with the weight for a top quality 760kg factory fit Limousin. Heifers sold from €800 to €1,000 along with their weight, with the highest prices being achieved for short keep and factory fit types.

Dry cows were again a fabulous trade on the day with factory agents very active for fleshed types. Prices of good quality fleshed continentals ranged from €800 to €1,000 along with their weight. Cows with calves at foot sold from €1,210 to €1,900 per head.

While springers made from €1,230 to €1,350 per head. There was a small entry of 15 dairy cows with milkers selling from €740 to €1,320, springers made from €980 to €1,390.

Weanling bulls sold from €600 to €800 with their weight, with heavier weanlings commanding stronger prices. Weanling heifers sold from €500 to almost €800 over, with lighter types selling from €500 to €600 along with their weight.