The Forestry Development Department of Teagasc will highlight its extensive advisory, research and training services at the Irish Forestry, Woodland & Bio Energy Show 2017.
The Forestry Development Department of Teagasc will highlight its extensive advisory, research and training services at the Irish Forestry, Woodland & Bio Energy Show 2017.
“Teagasc will have its own marquee and demonstration area where forestry advisers, researchers and specialists will be available over the two days to answer questions on how best to incorporate forestry alongside farming, and to provide on the spot management advice,” said Steven Meyen, forestry adviser with Teagasc. .
“Particular focus this year will be on the benefits of planting trees on the farm,” he said. “Options range from native woodland initiatives to productive conifers, as well as agroforestry and forestry for fibre options.”
Visitors can see the latest research on tree breeding, conifer and broadleaf silviculture, site classification and on how best to prepare forests for thinning, harvesting and marketing, according to Steven. He said that Teagasc’s Education Department will be there highlighting forestry courses and training available.
Forest owner groups
Steven and the Teagasc team are looking forward to meeting visitors to the show as are members of Forest Owner Groups who will also be present at the Teagasc stand.
“Representatives of the producer groups from around the country will be present in the Teagasc marquee with information on their activities and contact details on how to join up,” he said. “In addition, Teagasc will also be running free competitions over the two days to promote our Teagasc Forestry e-newsletter,” said Steven.
Irish Timber Growers celebrate 40th anniversary
at Timber 17As an industry, the forest and timber sector has undergone significant changes since the Irish Timber Growers Association (ITGA) was founded in 1977.
From a low base, private forestry now accounts for almost half of the national forest estate and within the next decade private timber output is set to become greater than the harvest from Coillte forests.
“This year, ITGA is celebrating its 40th anniversary and just as the forests of its founding members are maturing, so too has the representation and services provided by the association,” said Brendan Lacey, ITGA chair.
“We are preparing our members for increasing timber sales and are promoting the use of the Template Tree Sales Agreement and the ITGA Model Timber Sales Dispatch System.”
Also, the association’s collaboration with the Forest Service and UCD on the private roundwood price database – Wood Price Quarterly (WPQ) – will provide reliable market price information for growers.
ITGA field days have attracted increasingly large attendances and they highlight the practical issues facing growers, both in relation to forest management and in bringing their timber crops to market.
The increasing proportion of private roundwood coming to market also means private forest certification is becoming more critical for the sector.
ITGA has helped advance forest certification in Ireland through its innovative role with the international certification scheme, PEFC Ireland, which is now an autonomous national organisation.
The association will continue to work towards user-friendly and affordable certification for private growers to ensure members will continue to have good access to markets.
One of the highlights of the ITGA’s programme is the Forestry & Timber Yearbook, a 208-page definitive directory and information publication aimed at stakeholders throughout the forestry and forest products industry. “Copies of our special 2017 anniversary edition of the Forestry & Timber Yearbook will be available at our stand,” said Donal Whelan, ITGA technical director. “Priced at €15, the first 100 copies will be available at €5 each.”
Portable saw
at Stradbally
Roland Flower of The Saw Doctor company will be demonstrating a range of products at Timber 17.
“We are chainsaw specialists and the main agents for Logosol portable sawmills in Ireland,” he said.
“In addition, we are the sole agent for Canon Bars in Ireland, producers of the most high-spec chainsaw bars on the market,” he maintained.
The Saw Doctor company, based in Glasson, Co Westmeath will be demonstrating the Logosol Låks 500 Framesaw along with the full range of Logosol portable sawmills and Norwood bandsaw mills at the show.
“The Låks 500 is an excellent machine to combine with a bandsawmill or circular mill to increase production of boards and planks,” he said. “It has excellent precision of +-0,5mm and is available in three-phase electric or 23hp petrol engine.”
For further information check out the Logosol website the Saw Doctor’s site or chat with Roland in Stradbally.
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Full coverage: Timber 17