A meeting of the Food Vision group will be convened "urgently" to examine current sheep prices, Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue told the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers Association (ICSA) AGM on Thursday evening.

Pointing out that the sheep sector is currently "under pressure" with prices not being where they should be, he said that his officials will be in contact with the ICSA to confirm a date and location for the meeting in due course.

The minister added that although he has no control over the market, he fully recognises the pressures that are there for sheep farmers and said that he is examining the situation closely.

"It is crucial that the hard work you all carry out from long nights in the lambing shed to bringing top-class produce market is rewarded.

"Our lamb and sheepmeat is the envy of the world and we do it as well as anyone in the world.

"We know that there are seasonal peaks and troughs to prices, but that is not to diminish the hard work you all do," he said.

Sheep Improvement Scheme

The minister also said he is aware that calls have been made for further financial supports on top of the €12/ewe Sheep Improvement Scheme (SIS).

"I am glad to see such interest in the SIS, with over 19,000 farmers signing up to the scheme – this is up from the Sheep Welfare Scheme and I will examine all possibilities to continue to support our sheep farmers," he said.

The current Government, McConalogue added, is "absolutely focused" on supporting all farmers and rural communities now more than ever.