There were 53 complaints submitted to the Department of Agriculture’s quality service unit in 2024, down from 142 in 2023.
The top five issues complained about in 2024 related to forestry, beef schemes, livestock breeding, the regional veterinary offices and the Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES).
The unit can be contacted to make a complaint to the Department of Agriculture in cases where a member of the public is unhappy with the quality of customer service received.
This complaints process relates to customer service issues only.
Appeals on decisions related to the Department’s schemes are dealt with by the relevant division in the first instance and if the issue is not solved to a farmer’s satisfaction, then an appeal may be lodged with the Agriculture Appeals Office.
The Agriculture Appeals Office is an independent statutory agency providing a free, impartial appeals service to such scheme applicants.
Appeals must be lodged within three months of the date of the Department’s decision letter.