The difference a week makes
From a very low base some growers are now fully planted while many others report little or no recent progress. It would seem that the two biggest grain producing counties, Cork and Wexford, are worst affected. Other areas, particularly towards the north and west, have seen much more progress.
Overall we are still only somewhere between 30% and 50% planted with the worst affected areas still little more than 10% planted. And with a proportion of planted crops sown in poor conditions, these still need kind weather.
Check winter crops now for any surviving weeds.
Winter wheat
Most crops are coming up to GS31 or at GS32 with the third last leaf not yet fully emerged. For those at GS32 check leaf emergence for the T1 fungicide. Wait for the third last leaf to be fully emerged – unravel the leaves to check this out. Remember, a late sown crop may have one leaf less so you much check.
Depending on the crop, you might also consider additional growth regulator such as Moddus with the fungicide. T1 sprays should include a substantial rate of a single triazole, plus a contact and an SDHI. Product options might include Venture Extra, Cauldron, Adexar, Elatus Era, Ascra or triazole plus Treoris mixtures. There is a some yellow rust about which could increase if not treated properly.
Winter barley
Crops vary between GS32 and GS37. Some recently received their second fungicide of three, while others received their first of two. Check your crops for stem strength and add a PGR such as Moddus or Medax Max if necessary.
Make sure your fungicide combinations provide cover against brown rust, as well as rhyncho and net blotch, as all these are present in crops. It is essential to include chlorothalonil or folpet for ramularia control with the final fungicide once the awns become visible. Most crops are likely to be covered by fungicide for the time being.
Winter oats: Most crops are around GS32 and so growth regulator should be the main input. The three main options are Medax Max (+/-) CCC), Moddus plus CCC or Ceraide. Where lodging risk is higher, a second application close to flag leaf emergence will help to further shorten the crop. A fungicide might also be included at this point.
If there is evidence of mildew or crown rust consider adding a product like Elatus Era or Tocata/Capalo with the PGR.
Spring crops
The priority is to get planting finished. After that get the balance of the nitrogen applied at early emergence, especially on barley. If we do see a real weather improvement we could see land getting quite dry for fertiliser utilisation.
Watch emerging bean crops for signs of weevil damage (notching on the leaf edges). Where damage is very evident consider an insecticide such as Decis, Karate, Karis, Lambda etc.