Record harvest grain prices will be paid by Tirlán and Dairygold this year. They will pay €310/t and 302/t, respectively, including bonuses, to qualifying suppliers for green barley.
Record harvest grain prices will be paid by Tirlán and Dairygold this year.
They will pay €310/t and 302/t, respectively, including bonuses, to qualifying suppliers for green barley.
The two main grain co-ops are to pay €385/t for malting barley and €312/t to €320/t for feed wheat.
These prices are for grain delivered at 20% moisture but the majority of grain was delivered at much lower moisture this year. An increased moisture bonus of €3/t per moisture point below 20% and down to 15% will also apply.
The prices for oats vary from just under €300/t up to €350/t for premium gluten-free crops in the case of Tirlán.
Growers who grew the variety, Barra, on a gluten-free contract will receive an additional €10/t to compensate for its lower yield potential.