Fine Gael senator Michelle Mulherin has accused the Green Party of being “out of touch with the reality of the agricultural sector”. This comes after the party suggested that live exports should be banned.

“We have the highest animal welfare standards implemented by the Department of Agriculture officials in the movement of livestock in live exports,” Mulherin said.

Mulherin asked what else the Green Party will look for: “Should we be banning not only farming exports, but also people transporting pets, or race-horses?”

Common sense

Mulherin said that common sense should prevail and that Fine Gael is committed to maintaining this element of agricultural trade, recognising its importance to Irish farmers.

“It is becoming increasingly apparent that the Green Party are out of touch with the reality of rural Ireland, lest we forget their proposal to reintroduce wolves here, or indeed their bizarre proposals that villages in rural Ireland would carpool,” said the senator.

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