Hogget prices have fallen by upwards of 50c/kg or in excess of €10 to €15 per head in the last fortnight.

This follows quotes being pulled by a further 20c/kg to 30c/kg in the last week.

Opening quotes for quality assured hoggets are in the region of €8.80/kg with groups and regular sellers securing €8.90/kg and prices at the top end of the market at €9/kg.

Factories are blaming customer resistance to higher prices in key EU markets and a dip in demand as is generally seen towards the end of January. A number of factory agents are also warning of increasing percentage of heavier and overfat carcases.

Northern quotes

Quotes in Northern Ireland have held steady on last week to 10p/kg more and range from £6.80/kg to £6.90/kg (€8.05/kg to €8.17/kg). While hogget prices have come under pressure, the trade for cull ewes is firm, with top prices at €5/kg and Ballon Meats increasing its quotes by 20c/kg to €5.20/kg.