Irish suckler beef could be branded and sold on premium EU markets for the first time under plans by Bord Bia.

It hopes to launch a campaign in 2019 in Germany, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland. A research company is concept-testing the proposal.

Branding and promotion will only start if this research shows it could succeed.

If it gets the green light, the project will meet a long-time demand from cattle farmers to create a premium brand for Irish suckler-bred beef.

Bord Bia says consumers want to know about the provenance, ethics and methods of production of meat and that this presents a new market opportunity.

Possible unique selling points of the brand would be that the beef would come from grass-fed, outdoor-reared cattle that were reared with their dams for at least six months

Suckler farmers will hope it leads to a price premium for their beef.

The challenge will be to inform European consumers about what suckler beef is and why it deserves a premium. Possible unique selling points of the brand would be that the beef would come from grass-fed, outdoor-reared cattle that were reared with their dams for at least six months.

Three possible slogans are to be tested: “Better Bred – Superior Taste”, “Wholesome Suckler Beef” and “Sustainable Suckler Beef”.