Clogher Mart held its first weekly cattle sale of 2025 on Saturday and the trade kicked off the year with prices freely trading from 300p to 350p/kg on short-keep and slaughter-fit animals.

In the bullock ring, slaughter-fit animals saw an 830kg Charolais top £2,650, or 319p/kg, while other standout lots in finished condition saw a 760kg Charolais make £2,600 or 342p/kg.

This January 2022-born Angus bull, weighing 670kg, sold for £1,863.

Prices per kilo peaked at 359p/kg for a 665kg Charolais, which made £2,390. Limousin bullocks sold to 336p/kg, with a 695kg making £2,340, while 323p/kg was paid for a 720kg animal at £2,330. Forward stores sold from 290p to 330p/kg for good-quality sorts, with mid-weight bullocks weighing 400kg to 500kg an exceptionally strong trade at 310p to 390p/kg.

This May 2021-born Limousin bull, weighing 950kg, sold for £2,204.

Standout entries saw £1,820 paid for a 360kg Charolais, working out at 395p/kg, while a 420kg animal of similar breeding made £1,580 or 376p/kg.

In the heifer ring, heavy fleshed animals sold to 325p/kg as a 605kg lot made £1,970 and a 615kg Charolais hit £1,990 or 323p/kg. Forward heifers suited to intensive finishing were highly sought after and prices hit £1,880 for a 600kg Charolais and £1,790 for a 555kg Limousin at 322p/kg.

This October 2021-born Angus bull, weighing 970kg, sold for £2,347.

Store heifers weighing 400kg to 500kg were also in demand and prices of 310p to 350p/kg were common with 348p/kg paid for a 480kg Charolais at £1,670 and £1,670 for a 490kg Limousin.

Lighter heifers below 400kg sold from 330p to 450p/kg with standout lots seeing £1,350 paid for a 375kg Limousin, while a 285kg Limousin made 466p/kg at £1,330.

This August 2022-born Limousin bullock, weighing 570kg, sold for £1,600.

Fat cows topped 294p/kg as a 900kg Limousin made £2,646, while an 890kg Charolais made £2,463 and a 770kg Hereford selling for £2,209. Good-quality, fleshed cows typically made 280p to 306p/kg, with Friesians making 180p/kg.

Other lots

This July 2022-born Fleckvieh heifer, weighing 605kg, sold for £1,740.

This February 2023-born Belgian Blue bullock, weighing 570kg, sold for £1,710.

This May 2022-born Limousin bullock, weighing 545kg, sold for £1,560.

This July 2023-born Limousin bullock, weighing 625kg, sold for £1,870.

This May 2018-born Limousin cow, weighing 600kg, sold for £1,260.

This November 2024-born Charolais calf sold for £520.

This September 2017-born Limousin cow, weighing 900kg, sold for £2,646.

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