This dairy magazine operates as an essential handbook for dairy farmers during 2015 giving advice on what system can potentially work post milk quota removal. In this magazine, we analyze the options and set scenarios for those thinking about life after quotas.

The overall theme will be discussed under six key focus areas which may or may not limit some farms in coming years. Individual farms will have different constraints but our surveys show the following six areas will limit most dairy farms over coming years:

1. THE OUTFARM – What to do with it now or what needs to change? Zero grazing is it a solution, is building a second parlour on an out farm an option, or is once a day milking necessary if milking more cows?

2. THE MILKING PLATFORM STOCKING RATE? What feed needs to come in at different stocking rates? What will a farm feed from grazed grass? Where is STOP on stocking rate if aiming for mostly grazed grass? What feed options have British farmers over us?

3. THE LABOUR QUESTION – Many Irish family farms will have to consider taking on a full time labour unit – what will change and what do farmers need to consider? What type of labour works best - relief? part time? Paid per work or full time? What works and what changes need to happen – we discuss with those already employing.

4. THE BUSINESS STRUCTURES – Does partnership deserve further thought or is long term leasing an option like happens in the UK allowing farm growth.

5. ALTERNATIVE ENTERPRISES – Will more farmers go into contract rearing or converting from dry stock farming?

6. COW TYPE for NO QUOTA – Will the heart beat of a dairy farm change as the goal posts change post 2015 – we discuss some options that farmers may consider as we move out of the fat restricting quota. Will purebred Jersey cows rule the roost? Maybe higher yielding cows or cows producing higher milk solids?

You can purchase the magazine here.