Taking to the ring in the coveted North West Auctions J36 ring was the Diamond Delights sale of in-lamb Rough Fell ewes and empty ewe lambs.

Buyers travelled from across the UK for these high-end Rough Fell females.

The task of judging the pre-sale show was left in the very capable hands of Elliott Rigg.

His show champion was an impressive in-lamb shearling ewe from JA Law, Marsh House. This champion shearling then went on to sell in the ring for 600gns (€748).

The top-priced lot of the day also came from the shearling ewe section. She came from the well-known flock of MP & A Capstick.

Top-priced Rough Fell from MP & A Capstick that sold for 900gns. \ Wayne Hutchinson

The Catholes-sired shearling was scanned in-lamb to Ellergill Gladiator. She was purchased by JE Harding for a sum of 900gns (€1,123).

The top-priced shearling ewe was closely followed by another shearling ewe selling for 850gns (€1,060).

This strong animal came from the flock of TLB &J Knowles. She came packed with an impressive pedigree being a daughter of High Clarke Fred and also scanned in-lamb to High Roans Firework. EJ & LE Williams were the successful purchasers of this genetic dream.

Aged ewes

The aged ewe section was topped at 450gns (€561) by a strong in-lamb ewe from Birk Hall-based breeders P & S Hoggarth.

The ewe lamb section was slightly smaller than the in-lamb sections, but was topped at 300gns (€374) for a perfectly marked ewe lamb from the pen of S & A Bland, Cotegill.

Other leading prices

  • 750gns (€935) – S & A Bland.
  • 700gns (€873), 700gns (€873) –
  • 650gns (€811) –