Tullow Mart celebrates 60 years of livestock trading
John Shirley
John Shirley reports from Tullow Mart's recent 60th year celebratory sale.
13 January 2016 Breeding & health
Dairying in South Africa
The Stark farm has developed efficient non-grass milk farming in South Africa, but costs and competition are putting pressure on the operation.
25 November 2015 News
40,000 cattle die in South Africa drought
Severe drought continues to be a major problem in South Africa with crops and livestock under major pressure.
Growing a dairy business German style
How German farmers get cows to generate milk despite their antipathy to grazing.
3 June 2015 Grass & feeding
Limousin Society trials dairy crossing bulls
THis week we look at a breeding initiative aimed at giving dairy farmers the confidence to use more Limousin genetics in their beef crossing programmes.
25 February 2015 Pedigree
Buzz for Angus cattle at Carrick on Shannon
Strong commercial demand around sales ring at Midland & Western Livestock Improvement Society Show and Sale.
18 February 2015 Pedigree
Australia is flying fresh milk to China
An Australian firm is now exporting fresh milk for sale on the Chinese market.
18 February 2015 World
Fracking is divisive in Oz too
John Shirley reports on how fracking for gas is a controversial issue in Australia.
18 February 2015 World
Switching to cropping in Western Australia
Trevor Allison farming Blue Gum Eucalyptus trees in Mount Barker, Western Australia.
18 February 2015 World
Call for an increase in beef bull trading age
Young bulls sold at 12 to 14 months are not ready to run with large cow herds, says Teagasc.
11 February 2015 Pedigree
Cows with heifer calves produce more milk than those calving bulls
US study suggests extra milk output associated with having a heifer at first calving can also carry through to the second lactation.
4 February 2015 Pedigree
Australian beef emerging optimistic from the drought
John Shirley reports from a visit to one of Australia's largest beef feedlot producers and gives an overview of beef markets.
28 January 2015 Markets