Best practice management in dairy to beef systems
Rearing dairy-bred calves in beef systems is now relatively common practice, but as many have found it can be challenging.
The five most-common mistakes made during calving season
With calving season comes the busiest time of the year for both dairy and suckler farmers right across the country.
Agricultural mechanisation: evolution of the combine harvester
At its core, the primary principle of the founding fathers of the modern New Holland was to make life easier for farmers.
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We are advertising a free farming calendar for 2021 , if you would like to receive a calendar contact Jonathan Creane: Call +44 (0)7854895139 or email:
Calf rearers advised to carefully consider protein type in milk replacer formula
A milk replacer formulated to mimic the composition and digestibility of cow’s milk is key to a calf’s health and performance in its first few weeks of life.