The Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) has voiced concern after farmers were left without an October bonus.

President of the UFU Ivor Ferguson stressed the need for a seasonal bonus as a structural tool, which helped farmers cope with additional winter costs.

Farmers in north Antrim are livid

He described LacPatrick’s failure to provide an October bonus in conjunction with a drop in milk price of 1p/l as a “double blow for already unsettled suppliers”.

Last year, LacPatrick paid 2p/l bonus on milk supplied from October to December.

In 2016, it paid 3p, 2p, 1p/l for milk delivered for the same period.

A spokesperson for LacPatrick stated that the bonus had always been subject to change and that a decision on the winter milk bonus was to be made at the December board meeting for winter milk.


However, Ferguson commented that problems seemed to be coming to the fore as merger negotiations between LacPatrick and Lakeland came to a head, despite assurances from LacPatrick in October that the transition stage would be smooth.

“Now we are concerned about the widening price gap for LacPatrick suppliers – not only against other milk buyers but when set against Lakeland prices in the run up to the merger,” Ferguson said.

He called on the banks involved to allow funds to be released and allow bonus payments.

A spokesperson for the UFU told the Irish Farmers Journal that "farmers in north Antrim are livid" after not receiving a bonus for October milk.

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LacPatrick cuts price and winter bonus

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