Land mobility, support for young farmers, and income security for older land owners all received positive focus from policymakers in the last government.
Some of the positive legacies include:
The agri-taxation review, which led to a range of positive tax initiatives. The enhanced tax relief and improved flexibility for leasing has lead to a significant increase in long-term leasing. Landowners can earn up to €40,000 per annum income tax free. Long-term arrangements lead to better land use and improved returns for both the landowner and farmer.Young farmer supports, including:100% stock relief
Young farmer basic payment top up worth up to €3,000 annually
60% TAMS grants
Support for young farmers is vital if we are to deliver on the potential for Food Harvest 2020. The involvement of a young trained farmer in a farm business has been shown to deliver greater levels of performance and efficiency.
The Farm Partnership Register. This has facilitated a mechanism whereby farm partnerships can be properly recognised and the participants not discriminated against under EU schemes. A share-farming register is to follow.Delivery
Unfortunately, delivery and the removal of unnecessary obstacles has often frustrated the good intentions of policymakers. The delay with EU payments and the slow processing of TAMS is not acceptable.
Those farmers and landowners entering progressive new arrangements and young farmers developing their farm business are those most exposed to cashflow risks.
These groupings should be the focus of positive support from payment and other support agencies. While not intended, what has often happened is that this group is treated with scepticism – “why change?” – or left to be the last files for payment processing.
In order to encourage farm development and better land use models, delivery needs to match the intended policy.
Land Mobility OpportunitiesA key element of the Land Mobility Service is matching people to opportunities. This is a brokerage service to find the ideal farmer match for you. Phone 01-4199555 to speak with one of our specialist team and provide your details and preferred option. Confidentiality is assured. Qualified leads will be passed to you for further consideration.
Farms for Lease
LONG TERM LEASE available on 60 acres of high quality permanent pasture in Corofin. For grass only, no tillage crops. Farmyard, storage sheds, slatted shed for 50 cattle and handling facilities included. Land comes with entitlements.
| REFERENCE NM03DAIRY FARM AVAILABLE for lease in Foynes, Co. Limerick. Circa 160 acres available in 3 separate lots of 33 acres, 39.5 acres and 88.5 acres separated by distances of 5 to 8 miles. Lands well laid out in paddocks with roadways and water installed. Each lot comes with access to barn, silage pit, slurry storage and winter housing facilities. Yard also available for testing & dosing only. | REFERENCE NV02FARM FOR LEASE in the Mountbellew/Clonberne area of Co. Galway. Owner living overseas would like to secure trustworthy and reliable tenant. Circa 40 acres available in two separate lots of 25 acres & 15 acres each separated by distance of two to three miles. Land in need of reseeding, fencing and hedgerow trimming. Some straw bedded winter housing available on farm. Farm needs to be tidied up but has potential to be excellent expansion opportunity. Ideal for dairy farmer who seeks extra land for silage making and heifer rearing or for beef farmer looking to expand. Lease can be secured for 5-7 years initially with review afterwards. Interested parties must be honourable, trustworthy & reliable and must be committed to maintaining land to a high standard at all times. Owner will be returning to Ireland once or twice per year.
| REFERENCE USA01MID CORK AREA 50 acres of excellent quality grassland to lease. Well laid out in paddocks & roadway with electric fencing and water piping in place. Minimum 5 year term form lease preferred.
| REFERENCE TX14North Kildare Area, C. 95 acres pasture farm fenced in 11 paddocks to include slatted sheds, silage pit and yard for 5 year lease. Suitable for off farm rearing for a large dairy enterprise.
| Reference OH07Dairy Farm for lease in Galway. 140 acres of new grassland. Farmyard and new milking facilities available. Land owner can manage labour/ cows if necessary. Also contract heifer rearing service available. | Reference OR03135 acres in Co. Westmeath. Pastureland including entitlements in one block with 5 bay slatted accommodation, plus bedded bays and good handling facilities. | Reference MI09NORTH KILDARE LAND for lease. Preferably on a long term basis. 84.5 acres of good quality pasture land laid out in 4 divisions with good water supply. | REFERENCE OH01LOOKING TO RENT
Wanted on Long Term Lease - Good land in the Galway area. All sizes considered with or without milking facilities. Livestock housing not essential. | Reference OR03Tillage land wanted for short or long term lease, for combinable crops (no root crops). Land will be maintained to the highest standard. References available. South Kilkenny area. | Reference TN05 YOUNG EXPANDING SHEEP farmer seeks to enter into agreement with cattle/tillage farmer who would provide grass/catch crop to out-winter large sheep flock from mid-December to mid-March. Sheep would be block grazed with electric fencing. Preferably midlands area but all areas considered.
| REFERENCE IL01Reliable and Genuine Co. Louth based tillage and potato farmer interested in expanding: through land leasing, share farming or contract farming in Louth, Meath or North Co Dublin. Land would be farmed to a high standard using modern nutrition and agronomic advice, lime and organic manures also used. | Reference IN05 Partnerships
350 Acre Milking-Platform, Co. Meath newly converted from beef to dairy (400 cows). Good potential to grow herd numbers considerably over time. Rotary milking parlour installed and good house available for right person. Average herd EBI over 200, farm capable of growing 15 tonnes DM/ha. Seeking ambitious skilled person for equity partnership. Good terms & conditions on offer. This is a great opportunity offering a very high ROC.
| REFERENCE WN01Contract Heifer Rearing
HEIFER REARING SERVICE available on 150 acre farm in mid Kildare area. Farm is equipped with good facilities and has top quality grassland. Available from March to November. Other cattle grazing also considered. | REFERENCE OH02CLARE BASED FARMER available for contract rearing service. Top quality grassland and wintering facilities at hand. Former dairy farmer with excellent experience in contract rearing. Open to different types of contract rearing arrangements. | REFERENCE NM02RETIRED DAIRY FARMER available for contract heifer rearing in south Co. Tipperary. Some straw bedded housing available on farm. Good experience with livestock. Milking parlour & bulk tank also in place on farm, open to considering other options. | REFERENCE OK02 Skilled Young
Farmers looking
for an opportunity YOUNG AND AMBITIOUS farmer looking for a share milking/lease opportunity in the North East region. Experienced in successfully running a large dairy herd on a grass based system. Can supply high EBI in-calf heifers as part of an agreement. Also open to buying leasing livestock in an existing herd. | REFERENCE WN02Read more about Macra na Feirme's Land Mobility Service here.
Land mobility, support for young farmers, and income security for older land owners all received positive focus from policymakers in the last government.
Some of the positive legacies include:
The agri-taxation review, which led to a range of positive tax initiatives. The enhanced tax relief and improved flexibility for leasing has lead to a significant increase in long-term leasing. Landowners can earn up to €40,000 per annum income tax free. Long-term arrangements lead to better land use and improved returns for both the landowner and farmer.Young farmer supports, including:100% stock relief
Young farmer basic payment top up worth up to €3,000 annually
60% TAMS grants
Support for young farmers is vital if we are to deliver on the potential for Food Harvest 2020. The involvement of a young trained farmer in a farm business has been shown to deliver greater levels of performance and efficiency.
The Farm Partnership Register. This has facilitated a mechanism whereby farm partnerships can be properly recognised and the participants not discriminated against under EU schemes. A share-farming register is to follow.Delivery
Unfortunately, delivery and the removal of unnecessary obstacles has often frustrated the good intentions of policymakers. The delay with EU payments and the slow processing of TAMS is not acceptable.
Those farmers and landowners entering progressive new arrangements and young farmers developing their farm business are those most exposed to cashflow risks.
These groupings should be the focus of positive support from payment and other support agencies. While not intended, what has often happened is that this group is treated with scepticism – “why change?” – or left to be the last files for payment processing.
In order to encourage farm development and better land use models, delivery needs to match the intended policy.
Land Mobility OpportunitiesA key element of the Land Mobility Service is matching people to opportunities. This is a brokerage service to find the ideal farmer match for you. Phone 01-4199555 to speak with one of our specialist team and provide your details and preferred option. Confidentiality is assured. Qualified leads will be passed to you for further consideration.
Farms for Lease
LONG TERM LEASE available on 60 acres of high quality permanent pasture in Corofin. For grass only, no tillage crops. Farmyard, storage sheds, slatted shed for 50 cattle and handling facilities included. Land comes with entitlements.
| REFERENCE NM03DAIRY FARM AVAILABLE for lease in Foynes, Co. Limerick. Circa 160 acres available in 3 separate lots of 33 acres, 39.5 acres and 88.5 acres separated by distances of 5 to 8 miles. Lands well laid out in paddocks with roadways and water installed. Each lot comes with access to barn, silage pit, slurry storage and winter housing facilities. Yard also available for testing & dosing only. | REFERENCE NV02FARM FOR LEASE in the Mountbellew/Clonberne area of Co. Galway. Owner living overseas would like to secure trustworthy and reliable tenant. Circa 40 acres available in two separate lots of 25 acres & 15 acres each separated by distance of two to three miles. Land in need of reseeding, fencing and hedgerow trimming. Some straw bedded winter housing available on farm. Farm needs to be tidied up but has potential to be excellent expansion opportunity. Ideal for dairy farmer who seeks extra land for silage making and heifer rearing or for beef farmer looking to expand. Lease can be secured for 5-7 years initially with review afterwards. Interested parties must be honourable, trustworthy & reliable and must be committed to maintaining land to a high standard at all times. Owner will be returning to Ireland once or twice per year.
| REFERENCE USA01MID CORK AREA 50 acres of excellent quality grassland to lease. Well laid out in paddocks & roadway with electric fencing and water piping in place. Minimum 5 year term form lease preferred.
| REFERENCE TX14North Kildare Area, C. 95 acres pasture farm fenced in 11 paddocks to include slatted sheds, silage pit and yard for 5 year lease. Suitable for off farm rearing for a large dairy enterprise.
| Reference OH07Dairy Farm for lease in Galway. 140 acres of new grassland. Farmyard and new milking facilities available. Land owner can manage labour/ cows if necessary. Also contract heifer rearing service available. | Reference OR03135 acres in Co. Westmeath. Pastureland including entitlements in one block with 5 bay slatted accommodation, plus bedded bays and good handling facilities. | Reference MI09NORTH KILDARE LAND for lease. Preferably on a long term basis. 84.5 acres of good quality pasture land laid out in 4 divisions with good water supply. | REFERENCE OH01LOOKING TO RENT
Wanted on Long Term Lease - Good land in the Galway area. All sizes considered with or without milking facilities. Livestock housing not essential. | Reference OR03Tillage land wanted for short or long term lease, for combinable crops (no root crops). Land will be maintained to the highest standard. References available. South Kilkenny area. | Reference TN05 YOUNG EXPANDING SHEEP farmer seeks to enter into agreement with cattle/tillage farmer who would provide grass/catch crop to out-winter large sheep flock from mid-December to mid-March. Sheep would be block grazed with electric fencing. Preferably midlands area but all areas considered.
| REFERENCE IL01Reliable and Genuine Co. Louth based tillage and potato farmer interested in expanding: through land leasing, share farming or contract farming in Louth, Meath or North Co Dublin. Land would be farmed to a high standard using modern nutrition and agronomic advice, lime and organic manures also used. | Reference IN05 Partnerships
350 Acre Milking-Platform, Co. Meath newly converted from beef to dairy (400 cows). Good potential to grow herd numbers considerably over time. Rotary milking parlour installed and good house available for right person. Average herd EBI over 200, farm capable of growing 15 tonnes DM/ha. Seeking ambitious skilled person for equity partnership. Good terms & conditions on offer. This is a great opportunity offering a very high ROC.
| REFERENCE WN01Contract Heifer Rearing
HEIFER REARING SERVICE available on 150 acre farm in mid Kildare area. Farm is equipped with good facilities and has top quality grassland. Available from March to November. Other cattle grazing also considered. | REFERENCE OH02CLARE BASED FARMER available for contract rearing service. Top quality grassland and wintering facilities at hand. Former dairy farmer with excellent experience in contract rearing. Open to different types of contract rearing arrangements. | REFERENCE NM02RETIRED DAIRY FARMER available for contract heifer rearing in south Co. Tipperary. Some straw bedded housing available on farm. Good experience with livestock. Milking parlour & bulk tank also in place on farm, open to considering other options. | REFERENCE OK02 Skilled Young
Farmers looking
for an opportunity YOUNG AND AMBITIOUS farmer looking for a share milking/lease opportunity in the North East region. Experienced in successfully running a large dairy herd on a grass based system. Can supply high EBI in-calf heifers as part of an agreement. Also open to buying leasing livestock in an existing herd. | REFERENCE WN02Read more about Macra na Feirme's Land Mobility Service here.