DEAR SIR, I wish to strongly object to the proposed 50% reduction on the use of pesticide by 2030. Surely a sane person can see that this draconian cut will result in the decimation of the Irish tillage sector.

This is due to having a wetter climate than most of the rest of Europe and therefore a higher incidence of wet weather diseases in our crops. Our yields would be dramatically reduced and our family farms bankrupted.

This will increase the cost of food to the consumer, with the shortfall in available tonnage of food being supplied by other nations, who would not be hindered by our ridiculous regulations, not to mention the food miles that will be incurred to get this “shortfall food” transported to the consumer.

All of these extra cuts are coming at a time of already complicated CAP reform. Surely, we have enough stress on our plates already besides these ridiculous proposals having to be defended against.

Really and truly, who in high office is pushing this agenda of ever increasing negative change and stifling cuts, which seem to be based on invisible lobby groups and an unproven green agenda rather than sound scientific evidence.

How many more ways can be thought up by the EU and the Department of Agriculture to treat us like fools?

Is it the Department of Agriculture, or the Department against Agriculture? Science must prevail.