My gift is bone-setting. I set broken or dislocated bones. It is a gift from God, you don’t learn it. It’s supposed to have been in the family for 400 years. All the way along, it was passed from father to son until me.
An uncle of mine used to do it but my father couldn’t do it. We don’t know what will happen one generation to the next. It’s a mystery. You either have it or you don’t. We have seven children, hopefully some of them will have it.
Years ago, there was nearly a bonesetter in every county in Ireland. They’re gone very scarce now.
First time
My uncle had one daughter. Everyone thought that if anything happened to him that was the end of it. I was the only male O’Neill around the place.
He was about three weeks dead and a fellow rang me up one evening and said a young one was after falling and there’s something wrong with her arm. I told him he would be wasting his time coming out to me.
Dan and Tess O'Neill.
He brought up the child that evening. I felt something on the wrist and I said: “I think that wrist is dislocated.”
He said: “If it is, you put it back. An O’Neill will do it so go and do it and don’t let down the name.”
I was farming at the time and for a long time after I started here in Carlow
I said: “Fair enough, but don’t blame me if it goes wrong.” I caught the hand and gave it a bit of a twist and it clicked back in, and that was the beginning of it.
I was 30 when it started. I’m 89 now. I was farming at the time and for a long time after I started here in Carlow. I had plenty to do with the sucklers, sheep and tillage.
instant relief
I was eight years doing it and I wouldn’t look at a person’s back. I was afraid of my life that I would do some harm.
I was going to Bunclody and this fellow stopped me on my way and said his neighbour had a problem with his back.
I said: “What are you stopping me for? I know nothing about backs he should go see the doctor.” He said he had been told by the doctor to stay in bed for three days and that was a fortnight ago.
So I said to take him down to Jimmy Heffernan, who was another bonesetter in Tipperary. After a while I went in and he was lying on the bed. I noticed something so I put my thumb on it and he said: “That’s where it is.”
I got your man to lift his leg and pull it back and I felt something going. To be quite honest I didn’t know what I was after doing.
After a couple of minutes with one leg and then the other leg the pain was gone. That was my first disc.
I got more confidence in myself the more I did. He got instant relief and he was able to walk around straight away. I feel very happy when I help people.
All creatures
Not just humans but animals come to me too. All animals, cattle, sheep, dogs, pigs and a good few horses, I forget the names now.
I worked down in Cork with a vet. I would have done a lot of horses that were training down there. I put back two discs in a horse’s back. He went out and won a race after it.
Dan O'Neill in his home near Myshall, Co Carlow.
I have put a horse’s shoulder back in place. To put a horse’s shoulder back in you would want somebody with you. They would have to pull the leg forward and I would push it in when they have the leg forward.
When I started first the medics were very much opposed to it
You’d want strength, sometimes it’s very hard. An old injury is harder to do, it’s harder to get them back into place.
I used to do call outs but not anymore, people come to me. I don’t have a charge, it’s whatever people want to give.
Medical community
When I started first the medics were very much opposed to it. Doctors used to say not to go to the man on the hill.
I was a long time doing it and a doctor came out one evening and said we’re having a seminar in Kilkenny and we would like to have you. I wasn’t sure about going but I was told to be myself, that I had nothing to prove and that if they didn’t want me they wouldn’t be looking for me. So I went. I told them my story and the MC asked if there were any volunteers for a demo.
Now, some doctors recommend people come to me
This woman stood up and said: “Yes I can barely move my neck and I’m after being everywhere.” So she came up and they said: “Hold on, I want to see what you do.” That was fair enough but it’s like a card trick, the more you look the less you see. I put the two slips in for her and she got up out of the chair and said: “My god there’s some difference.” Now, some doctors recommend people come to me.
Read more
My Country Living: creating a sanctuary for wildlife and people
My gift is bone-setting. I set broken or dislocated bones. It is a gift from God, you don’t learn it. It’s supposed to have been in the family for 400 years. All the way along, it was passed from father to son until me.
An uncle of mine used to do it but my father couldn’t do it. We don’t know what will happen one generation to the next. It’s a mystery. You either have it or you don’t. We have seven children, hopefully some of them will have it.
Years ago, there was nearly a bonesetter in every county in Ireland. They’re gone very scarce now.
First time
My uncle had one daughter. Everyone thought that if anything happened to him that was the end of it. I was the only male O’Neill around the place.
He was about three weeks dead and a fellow rang me up one evening and said a young one was after falling and there’s something wrong with her arm. I told him he would be wasting his time coming out to me.
Dan and Tess O'Neill.
He brought up the child that evening. I felt something on the wrist and I said: “I think that wrist is dislocated.”
He said: “If it is, you put it back. An O’Neill will do it so go and do it and don’t let down the name.”
I was farming at the time and for a long time after I started here in Carlow
I said: “Fair enough, but don’t blame me if it goes wrong.” I caught the hand and gave it a bit of a twist and it clicked back in, and that was the beginning of it.
I was 30 when it started. I’m 89 now. I was farming at the time and for a long time after I started here in Carlow. I had plenty to do with the sucklers, sheep and tillage.
instant relief
I was eight years doing it and I wouldn’t look at a person’s back. I was afraid of my life that I would do some harm.
I was going to Bunclody and this fellow stopped me on my way and said his neighbour had a problem with his back.
I said: “What are you stopping me for? I know nothing about backs he should go see the doctor.” He said he had been told by the doctor to stay in bed for three days and that was a fortnight ago.
So I said to take him down to Jimmy Heffernan, who was another bonesetter in Tipperary. After a while I went in and he was lying on the bed. I noticed something so I put my thumb on it and he said: “That’s where it is.”
I got your man to lift his leg and pull it back and I felt something going. To be quite honest I didn’t know what I was after doing.
After a couple of minutes with one leg and then the other leg the pain was gone. That was my first disc.
I got more confidence in myself the more I did. He got instant relief and he was able to walk around straight away. I feel very happy when I help people.
All creatures
Not just humans but animals come to me too. All animals, cattle, sheep, dogs, pigs and a good few horses, I forget the names now.
I worked down in Cork with a vet. I would have done a lot of horses that were training down there. I put back two discs in a horse’s back. He went out and won a race after it.
Dan O'Neill in his home near Myshall, Co Carlow.
I have put a horse’s shoulder back in place. To put a horse’s shoulder back in you would want somebody with you. They would have to pull the leg forward and I would push it in when they have the leg forward.
When I started first the medics were very much opposed to it
You’d want strength, sometimes it’s very hard. An old injury is harder to do, it’s harder to get them back into place.
I used to do call outs but not anymore, people come to me. I don’t have a charge, it’s whatever people want to give.
Medical community
When I started first the medics were very much opposed to it. Doctors used to say not to go to the man on the hill.
I was a long time doing it and a doctor came out one evening and said we’re having a seminar in Kilkenny and we would like to have you. I wasn’t sure about going but I was told to be myself, that I had nothing to prove and that if they didn’t want me they wouldn’t be looking for me. So I went. I told them my story and the MC asked if there were any volunteers for a demo.
Now, some doctors recommend people come to me
This woman stood up and said: “Yes I can barely move my neck and I’m after being everywhere.” So she came up and they said: “Hold on, I want to see what you do.” That was fair enough but it’s like a card trick, the more you look the less you see. I put the two slips in for her and she got up out of the chair and said: “My god there’s some difference.” Now, some doctors recommend people come to me.
Read more
My Country Living: creating a sanctuary for wildlife and people