The nodding bell-shaped flowers of the snakeshead fritillary have a quiet understated beauty, elegant and graceful while still being showy. They also have a certain liveliness that echoes the excitement of spring. They are usually seen in gardens as a single clump of perhaps a dozen stems but they are at their most impressive when seen in large numbers, naturalised, in much the same way as daffodils in hundreds or thousands are spectacular. Snakeshead fritillaries lend themselves to being grown in this way, and it suits a country garden very well, where space might be available and planting bulbs in this way looks so natural. Also it is easy to maintain and it is not costly.Snakeshead fritillary likes damp soil with a cool, damp summer. It thrives across Scandanavia, western Russia and south to the Balkans, growing in cool mountain meadows. It is completely hardy and, despite looking delicate, it can easily withstand any Irish winter.