There was another good entry of quality cattle at Lisnaskea Livestock Mart this week. With plenty of buyers, demand was strong with the mart calling for more cattle to come forward for sale.
The trade for store bullocks reached a peak of £1,060 for a 580kg Hereford animal, followed by £995 for another Hereford animal weighing 520kg. Other prices for bullocks ranged from £900 to £990.
Heifers sold to a top price of £988 for a 470kg Charolais animal. General prices ranged from £1,050 back to £805 for animals weighing 470kg back to 400kg with Charolais, Limousin and Blonde selling best.
Weanling bulls peaked at £885 for a 380kg Limousin. General prices ranged from £600 to £852 for animals weighing 260kg to 340kg.
Weanling heifers sold to a top price of £800 for a 410kg Charolais animal and 420kg Limousin. General prices ranged from £542 to £740 for cattle weighing 240kg to 390kg.
Cows with calves at foot sold to £1,180.