The Case IH Puma range has been revamped for 2020 with a new design, improved operator comfort and the move to a Stage V engine. As before, the range is split into the compact Puma 140-175 models and the larger Puma 185-240.All models are powered by a 6.7-litre FPT Industrial six-cylinder engine. The 140-175 models now meet Stage V emissions regulations with Hi-eSCR technology. The 185-240 models already comply. They now come with both a lengthened engine (750hr) and transmission oil (1,500hr) change intervals.
The Case IH Puma range has been revamped for 2020 with a new design, improved operator comfort and the move to a Stage V engine. As before, the range is split into the compact Puma 140-175 models and the larger Puma 185-240.
All models are powered by a 6.7-litre FPT Industrial six-cylinder engine. The 140-175 models now meet Stage V emissions regulations with Hi-eSCR technology. The 185-240 models already comply. They now come with both a lengthened engine (750hr) and transmission oil (1,500hr) change intervals.

The Puma features a new bonnet design which reflects the latest Case IH family styling.
The Puma range now features a new bonnet design, reflecting the latest Case IH family styling. It incorporates upgraded lighting, the same as what we have seen on the larger Optum and Magnum tractors.
This new styling can also be seen in the cab. A new steering wheel, new lighting for the redesigned access steps, and an optional wash tank are now fitted.