A man in his early 20s has been arrested as part of a Garda investigation into a spate of farm machinery and livestock thefts in west Cork and Kerry in late 2022 and early 2023.

The man, now detained at a Garda station in Kerry, was arrested following the search of residences and farmlands in north and west Kerry on Tuesday.

According to Gardaí, the Kerry and Cork farm thefts, which occurred from November 2022 to February 2023, resulted in approximately €110,000 of farm machinery (including a tractor and slurry tanker which were later recovered) and livestock being stolen.

Investigations into the farm thefts are ongoing.

Through an extensive investigation, Gardaí suspected the thefts were linked to an organised crime group believed to be involved in the removal of livestock and machinery from the jurisdiction.


As part of Tuesday’s search operation which led to the man’s arrest, a number of vehicles were also seized.

The Regional Armed Support Unit from Limerick supported Gardaí from the Cork West and Kerry divisions with the residence and farmland searches.

The young man is detained under the provisions of Section 50 of the Criminal Justice Act 2007.

Gardaí confirmed that investigations are ongoing.

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