BEEP: With weaning coming close on many farms around the country, don’t forget to complete your weighing for BEEP. Calves born between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2019 are eligible for payment.
Cows and calves need to be weighed on the same day before weaning takes place. These weights must be then loaded on to the ICBF website or recorded on the ICBF weighing sheet and mailed within seven days of the weighing.
If you are using a borrowed scales, you must retain evidence that the scales was borrowed. You will need the unique scales number to record weights.
The scales used for weighing must be registered on the ICBF website before weighing. All weighing must be uploaded by 1 November.
If you are hiring a scales, make sure you leave plenty of time to get it completed before the deadline.
If you have any queries contact ICBF at or 023-882 0452.
Carbon navigator: The deadline for completing the Carbon Navigator in BDGP is 30 September. This can be completed online or by filling out a hard copy and posting it. It’s a simple form to fill out and only takes five minutes. It must be completed to ensure your BDGP money is paid. Any queries should be directed to 023-883 2883 or
Weather conditions: Make the most of the dry weather by grazing off wetter areas of the farm. Weaning in the current weather will be a lot less stressful than weaning in cold and wet weather conditions. Use the good growth conditions to build grass supplies heading into autumn to try and extend grazing. Make a plan on closing off fields and stick to it.
Finance: Farmers need to brace themselves for a tough few months. Managing the finances will be key. At a beef price of €3.50/kg even the most efficient systems are struggling.
Take a look at the farming business and where it is going over the next few months. Write down by month what will be coming into the account, including factory sales, mart sales, ANC, BPS, BEEP, BDGP, GLAS and BEAM. Be realistic here and allow some room for error. Then write down what bills have to be paid over the coming months.
This will give you a picture of what you need to do in terms of arranging finance, cutting costs or putting any investment on hold.
Bank payments should be number one on the list in terms of meeting payment deadlines.
Any unscheduled missed payments here could affect your credit rating for future loan applications. Contractors and suppliers should be next. These people are very important to keeping your business going.
Talk to your wife or partner about the finances and formulate a plan.
Going to a bank with a prepared plan will look better than a hasty application for an extended overdraft at the last minute. Preparing for the worst is better than hoping for the best when it comes to managing finances.