The UK referendum to decide whether the UK should leave the European Union takes place this Thursday 23 June.

Over recent days, we asked our online readers how they felt about this issue. Some 62% of respondents to our poll said the UK should leave. We also asked what the Republic of Ireland should do in case the UK decides to leave. Again, 62% of respondents favoured exiting the EU.

Over the last few months, the Irish Farmers Journal has been reporting on the build-up to the referendum. In the map below, we take you on a tour of the reports we've done on the debate thus far and bring you up to speed with the possible implications of a Brexit.

We have also taken a Brexit flavoured tour of England to see where the hearts and the minds of British farmers lie in relation to this question, and visited Switzerland and Norway, two European countries that remained outside the EU.

Start exploring below.

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