Well-known vintage collector Michael Hoey of Lusk and Country Crest recently held an open day at his farmyard to allow the public to see his impressive range of restored vintage tractors and machinery. The aim of the open day was to collect some much needed funds for the St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas appeal.

There was a huge crowd in attendance, which allowed Michael to make a donation of €3,285 to St Vincent de Paul. The large crowd enjoyed the exhibition of tractors, while making a contribution to the charity at Michael’s request.

Among the highlights of the display on the day was the life-sized diorama display of Ford and Fordson tractors all hitched to machinery that was appropriate for the tractor’s age. They were displayed indoors in a new shed that was recently built to meet the storage needs of Michael Hoey’s now world acclaimed tractor collection.

Everyone who I spoke with on the day was more than impressed with what they saw. And how could they not be impressed, with the huge display that included tractors of many makes and eras all beautifully displayed and all capable of being worked?

One of the machines of the day was the Fordson F Series tractor with a Howard trencher that was restored to almost oblivion by local Fordson expert Bob Mullen. It was a treat to see the combination in its original colours more than 70 years after it first turned its four cylinder engine. Here we provide a view of some of the exhibition.