Increasing supply and diminishing demand is resulting in a poorer trade for cull cows right across the country, with Friesians in the south being met with the most variable demand.

Where Friesian cull cows are coming straight from the parlour, prices are ranging mainly from €0.85/kg to €1.10/kg, with many marts reporting averages to be approximately €1.00/kg.

Where better-quality British Friesian feeding-type cows are on offer, prices of €1.00/kg to €1.10/kg are more common. Demand for feeding Friesian cows is a little weaker in the past week as numbers increase.

Where light Friesian cows and crossbred cows are on offer at weights of 450kg to 550kg, prices of €300 to €450 are quite common, although the number of these on offer in most areas is small.

Continental cull cows have been faced with a slightly weaker trade also. Feeding continental cows are selling mainly from €1.40/kg to €1.60/kg, with age and quality affecting price the most.

Factory agents continue to be active for all fleshed cows suitable for slaughter. Where fleshed and short-keep continental cows are on offer, prices are ranging mainly from €1.70/kg to €1.85/kg, with only exceptionally muscled cows and cow heifers making €1.90/kg and above.

Mart prices back by €54 to €77/head

MartWatch analysis has shown that store bullock prices over the past four weeks are running up to €77/head, or 14c to 17c/kg, behind the same period in 2015.

The average 450kg store heifer is making €54/head less than last year, while weanling bulls and heifers have seen prices ease by €54 to €67/head.

The reductions in prices are broadly in line with recent beef price cuts, which has resulted in the average base price for steers currently 15c/kg or €55/head behind the same period last year.

The past few weeks have seen a sharp increase in cattle sales through marts across the country. In weather-stricken areas of the west, the trade has been much more variable for plainer-quality cattle, with reports of weanling prices being back by over €100/head in some cases.

In recent weeks, strong forward store demand by feeders kept a very firm floor under store prices; however in the past week demand from feeders has said to have weaned slightly.

With the average 350kg bull selling for €840/head and the average 320kg heifer making just over €730/head, there is increased pressure on suckler margins, particularly in areas most hit with poor weather.