The rising trend in quotes for clean cattle has continued this week and at best are at 590p/kg for U-3 grades, up 20p/kg on last week.
However, deals are being done significantly ahead of these quotes, with farmers reporting prices around the 608p/kg mark, rising to 612p/kg and above for anyone with a load of in-spec cattle to sell.
Factories started off last week around the 590p/kg mark and finished the week paying 600p/kg and above in an attempt to attract supplies.
Numbers coming forward remain tight, with added pressure being applied by exporters taking cattle for direct slaughter in Britain.
Last week, 160 head crossed the Irish Sea from NI, the highest weekly total since October 2017.
Reports suggest well over 650p/kg is available for U3 grading cattle in Britain, with the highest prices being paid in Scotland. Sources there maintain that a 700p/kg mark is yet to be breached, but it is getting increasingly close for larger finishers.
The trade in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) is also surging on, although it remains around 50p/kg behind NI prices and nearly £1/kg short of what is being paid in Britain.
That gap price continues to attract ROI cattle north. Last week, 506hd were exported to NI for direct slaughter, the highest weekly total so far in 2025.
In the local marts, demand for heavy beef bullocks remains exceptionally strong, with £3,039 paid for 910kg, £2,842 paid for 760kg and £2,841 for 770kg. Depending on kill out percentage, these prices are the equivalent of 590p to 650p/kg deadweight.
Quotes at the plants for cull cows up by 10p this week. The best quote is at 464p for an O+3 grade animal with quotes for an R grade 10p higher at 474p/kg. Farmers with well-fleshed suckler cows can expect to receive prices well over the 500p/kg mark.
Mart trade strong
Trade for cows in t?he marts is also very strong with good quality beef bred cows selling to £343 for 800kg at £2,744; and 336p for 720kg at £2,419. Heavy Friesian cows are selling from £204 to £238 per 100kg.
Quotes for hoggets rise to 705p/kg
Factory quotes for hoggets have improved to 705p making a hogget worth £162.15 at the 23kg limit.
In the marts the trade is steady. In Hilltown, hoggets sold to £168 with a run from £150 to £162.50.
In Gortin, hoggets at 27.7kg made £175. There was a big run from £162 to £170 a head. Best of the lighter lots saw 21.5kg making 809p at £174.
In Kilrea, there was an improved trade for 1,400 hoggets selling from 670p to 721p/kg, up by from 5p for heavier sorts. The best lot at 23.5kg made £169.50 or 721p/kg, up by £7.50 on last week. Lighter lots at 18kg made £127 or706p/kg.
In Markethill, 910 head sold from 640p to 683p/kg, little change on last week.
Good quality middle weights sold to 683p/kg for 22.7kg at £155 with 678p for 20kg at £135. Heavy hoggets made to 673p for 25.2kg at £164.50 a head.
Stores were a strong trade with 713p paid for 19.3kg at £137.50 and 695p for 18.5kg at £128.50.
In Saintfield, 555 hoggets sold from 655p to 736p a kg. Top Texels at 30kg made £187 with 28kg at £180 with 25kg reaching £169 a head.
There was a steady trade in Ballymena with 23.5kg at £160 or 681p/kg and 25kg at £161.50 or 646p/kg. .
Fat ewes
The trade in fat ewes is holding up well.
In Hilltown, the best made £200 with a run from £150 to £170.
In Gortin, the best ewes sold at £240 and £238 a head while others made from £160 to £196. And in Kilrea, ewes sold to £272.
Best lots in Saintfield made over £200 to a top of £245.
In Markethill 180 cull ewes sold well with fleshed ewes making from £150 to £242. Plainer ewes sold from £100 to £140.
Northern Ireland
Dunbia Dungannon…..Hoggets to 23kg …..705 pence/kg………… cent/kg
Linden Foods……Hoggets to 23kg……705 pence/kg ………….xxx cent/kg