Short-term bans on spreading slurry during periods of wet weather are being considered by DAERA as part of new policies to address blue-green algae in Lough Neagh.

A 37-point action plan to improve water quality was published by the department last Friday after receiving approval by ministers in the NI Executive.

It includes a plan to “scope the development of a simple information system” which will provide warnings when heavy rainfall is forecast, and conditions are not suitable for slurry spreading. In addition, DAERA intends to consult on whether it should be compulsory for farmers to comply with the advice coming from the proposed information system.

The new report also contains a proposal on “restricting the use of chemical fertilisers containing phosphorus on grassland”.

The exact detail of the proposal is to be included in an upcoming public consultation on changes to the Nutrients Action Programme.

The Lough Neagh report states that restrictions on phosphate fertiliser will be “guided by science and evidence” with the Soil Nutrient Health Scheme (SNHS) given as an example.