Livestock ration prices are unchanged for August, meaning concentrate feed costs have remained static for four consecutive months.

With no movement on price, beef-finishing rations continue to trade around £260/t for blends with a 40% maize content, rising to £270/t and £275/t for 50% maize.

Pelleted finishing rations also start in the region of £270/t, rising to prices above £280/t at the upper end of price quotes available.

General purpose cattle rations are at similar prices to higher-spec finishing rations, with quotes ranging from £275 to £285 for 15% to 16% protein content.

Dairy rations range from £290 to £320 depending on protein content, while quotes for lamb-finisher rations are anywhere between £290/t and £330/t.


Dried barley delivered on-farm remains at around £210/t, with maize meal costing £10/t to £15/t more.

There are some isolated reports of green barley being purchased off the combine at £155/t to £160/t for 18% to 20% moisture content.

Soya continues to trend downwards, with quotes just over £390/t on-farm mid-week. Soya hulls are moving around £185/t.


There are deals to be had by pricing around on fertiliser, with CAN trading from £290/t to £305/t for bulk bags.

There are some reports of discounts being applied to the outlined quotes where large volumes are purchased and full payment made on delivery or within 30 days.

Compounds like 25-5-5 and 27-4-4 are trading between £350/t and £365/t, rising to quotes of £380 and £390 for 24-6-12 and 20-10-10.

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