Quotes for clean cattle at some of the factories are showing further rises this week. The best quote is at 340p/kg for U-3 grade steers and heifers, a rise of 2p, while others are at 336p/kg for steers and 338p/kg for heifers, a rise of 2p.However, reports from the trade suggest that competition among factories for stock has increased in recent weeks, with some looking to build supplies in-store ahead of a Christmas rush. Farmers report being able to secure over 350p/kg for butcher-type heifers, with batches of in-spec steers and bulls trading into the high 340s. The continued strong euro against sterling has allowed factories to clear out cold stores of manufacturing beef in recent weeks, which is helping to drive current demand.
Quotes for clean cattle at some of the factories are showing further rises this week. The best quote is at 340p/kg for U-3 grade steers and heifers, a rise of 2p, while others are at 336p/kg for steers and 338p/kg for heifers, a rise of 2p.
However, reports from the trade suggest that competition among factories for stock has increased in recent weeks, with some looking to build supplies in-store ahead of a Christmas rush. Farmers report being able to secure over 350p/kg for butcher-type heifers, with batches of in-spec steers and bulls trading into the high 340s. The continued strong euro against sterling has allowed factories to clear out cold stores of manufacturing beef in recent weeks, which is helping to drive current demand.
There are also some suggestions that finished cattle numbers might be tighter to the end of the year, so factories are trying to make the most of the higher numbers on offer now. Last week’s cattle kill of 9,725 was only down four on the previous week and the second-highest weekly kill this year. It included another strong kill of 2,651 cows.
With prices under pressure south of the border, the number of cattle coming in from the south for slaughter has picked up substantially to 148 head. Trade in the opposite direction was 163. The trade across to Britain for slaughter was 152 head.
Average prices paid last week for steers and heifers were up over 1.5p to 333.71p/kg. U3 steers and heifers averaged 344.6 and 346.8p/kg respectively.
Cow trade
There is very little change in the quotes for fat cows this week and the best quote for an O+3 grade cow is 245p/kg, with others quoting 240p/kg. The best quote for an R grade is at 250p/kg. Last week, the prices paid for R4s averaged 269.3p/kg.
Lamb trade
The trade in fat lambs has eased slightly this week, with one factory back 5p/kg at 375p and another at 370p. There is an indication that they may try to buy at only 365p next week, but sellers should resist low offers. The euro remains at a high of 90p, giving southern buyers the opportunity to bid prices up.
In most of the marts, there were fewer lambs on offer, but the prices were back slightly on last week.
Kilrea had a sale of 410 lambs (130 lambs fewer than last week) selling from 318p to 354p, down 6p to 9p/kg.
Massereene sold 1,256 lambs (80 more) making from 320p to 373p, down 5p for heavier lambs.
Saintfield had a sale of 663 head (44 fewer) and they made from 316p to 379p, down 8p for heavier lambs.
In Rathfriland, Tuesday evening, the sale had 814 lambs (240 fewer) and trade was slightly weaker. Prices averaged 342p/kg, down by 4p on last week, and the range was 319p to 382p/kg. Top fat prices went to £85 for 26kg and 27kg and a good run made over £80/head.
The trade in fat ewes is good, with top prices for ewes in good condition up at some of the marts. Top in Newtownstewart was £84; in Omagh £110 for a show of 275 ewes; in Swatragh was £73; in Kilrea £70; in Massereene was £84; and in Saintfield was £98 a head. In Rathfriland, the top for 122 ewes sold was £76.