Farmers in Ireland interested in breeding EasyCare sheep now have a group to link in with, following the recent launch of EasyCare Sheep Ireland. The group has been formed by a diverse team of farmers from all over Ireland, who are interested in promoting the benefits of using EasyCare genetics.EasyCare sheep are a maternal breed of sheep, with their standout characteristic being that they are naturally wool-shedding and do not need shearing. The breed was formed in the early 1960s by the late Welsh farmer Iolo Owen MBE, who farmed in Anglesey.
Farmers in Ireland interested in breeding EasyCare sheep now have a group to link in with, following the recent launch of EasyCare Sheep Ireland. The group has been formed by a diverse team of farmers from all over Ireland, who are interested in promoting the benefits of using EasyCare genetics.
EasyCare sheep are a maternal breed of sheep, with their standout characteristic being that they are naturally wool-shedding and do not need shearing. The breed was formed in the early 1960s by the late Welsh farmer Iolo Owen MBE, who farmed in Anglesey.
Its foundation dates back to Wiltshire Horn sheep, with the breed developed through generations of careful crossing. Breed numbers were hit hard by foot and mouth in 2001, but it has enjoyed a strong resurgence since then, with numbers growing steadily in Ireland in recent years.
The group highlights that there is far more to the breed than wool-shedding characteristics.
“EasyCare sheep have a dramatically lower labour input requirement when compared to traditional sheep systems, having been bred to reduce workload. Ease of lambing, coupled with the birth of hardy and vigorous lambs that are typically up and sucking within a few minutes of being born, greatly reduces input at labour and lends itself to outdoor lambing.”
Group chair William Hutchinson added: “We are in a period of significant change on farms, as difficulties sourcing farm labour, coupled with rapidly rising variable costs, challenge the financial sustainability of many farms.
“The once valuable wool market is no longer, and shearing a flock has become an expensive hobby.
“Innovation in farming is required now more than ever and the group was formed in response to the growing interest in the breed by commercial sheep farmers.”
Further information is available at, or through the group’s Facebook page;