Pig market: 02/01/2017
Prices reported to IFA
Rosderra: = €1.58/kg
Dawn: = €1.60/kg
Staunton’s: = €1.58/kg
Kepak: = €1.58/kg
Karro: = €1.60/kg
(All prices dependent on grading of pigs)
Comment: The chair of the IFA pigs committee Tom Hogan said, as we enter 2017, farmers are expecting an uplift in prices early in the year and stable pig prices for 2017 that will give pig farmers a chance to recoup the loses of the past 18 months. The demand for pigs has remained strong from all processors over the festive period and this strong demand should continue into the coming week. Prices quoted from factories remain stable, but more has been paid in order to secure sufficient supply. There was encouraging news from the European market last Friday with Germany increasing 4c/kg, reflecting the strong demand across the continent.