I farm: “Just over 100ac of owned and leased land which varies in quality from mainly loamy soils to some heavier ground. I also lease another 50ac of commonage.”
Sheep: “At the moment, I have around 300 breeding ewes which consist of Suffolk crosses and Mules. I also keep 50 Scottish Blackface ewes which graze the hills and commonage land.”
Rams: “Texel and Suffolk rams run with the main flock and a Bluefaced Leicester ram is run with the mountain ewes to breed mule replacements. I bought in a Belclare ram last year, hoping to breed more prolificacy into the Suffolk cross ewes.”
Lambs: “I would expect to have a bunch ready for selling in the next few weeks. Depending on price and demand,early lambs will be sold to the mart or the factory, between 40kg and 45kg liveweight. I find local marts, Ballymote and Coolaney, have competed well with price when the demand is right.”
This week: “I will be digging into full-time shearing. Three weeks ago, I tore a ligament in my ankle so I will try to get back on top of things.”

Sheep farmer Colin Goulden keeps lowland and hill sheep. \ James Connolly
Shearing: “The main shearing season runs from mid-May to the end of July. I would be aiming to shear around 5,000 to 6,000 sheep and between 150 and 200 sheep any day I am out, which is very weather dependent. My main shearing area is around northwest Sligo. The majority is within a 20-mile radius which works very well with the farm.”
COVID-19: “The biggest thing is to have as few people as possible there on the day and bring my own lunch. The shearing trailer makes it easier with less people needed to pull out the sheep. ”

This year Colin is aiming to shear around 5,000-6,000 sheep. \ James Connolly.
Wool: “Last year I would have got 50c/kg or 60c/kg for lowland wool off the merchants. I haven’t got quoted yet. By the sounds of things, I will be lucky to get the half of what I was paid last year.”
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My Farming Week: Seán Murphy, Ballymacsimon, Kilmuckridge, Co Wexford
My farming week: Eoin Purfield, Ballymagarvey, Balrath, Navan, Co Meath
My Farming Week: Michael Grace, Ballavarra, The Rower, Co Kilkenny