I farm: “In Trillick, Co Tyrone, on 150 acres – 110 acres owned and 40 acres rented. I’m a dairy farmer and I am currently supplying Glanbia.”
Cow type: “I am milking 110 high economic breeding index (EBI) cows. All cows are predominantly Friesian crossbred with Jersey.”
Why EBI cows?: “I go for high EB cows because they are easily managed, have lower veterinary bills in comparison with pure Holsteins and produce milk of higher quality and composition. They have higher fertility levels, are easy calving and live longer, lasting on average six lactations. Over the past few years, EBI cows have become more popular here. Some farmers are now going off Holsteins due to health and longevity issues.
Grazing platform: “Cows are on a rotational grazing platform of approximately 90 acres. They are turned out in mid-February and grazed up until mid-November, depending on weather conditions.
Grass targets: Grass levels are measured on a weekly basis on Agrinet. If I want to achieve maximum performance from my cows, 1,400kg DM/ha is the target grass cover. Surplus grass cover above target is cut and made into round bales. When grass is below target, cows are supplemented with concentrates to maintain production.
New club: “I recently became the chair of the Fermanagh grassland club, which includes some Tyrone members. It’s a great honour.”
Use of AI on farm: “AI is used on all cows where replacements are kept, a Shorthorn stock bull is used as a sweeper for any cows that may have been missed. All bull calves are sold off-farm.”
Family: “I am married to Carmel and we have five children. Ben is the oldest at 20, Treise is 17, Enda is 15, Joe is 13, who helps out most on the farm, and Fergus is 11.”
Quotable quote: “As milk prices are so volatile, I prefer to have some of my milk locked at a fixed price and the rest varying with the market.”