I farm:”With my mam Geraldine, my dad Michael and my brothers Martin and Shane. My mam is at home farming full-time. We are farming 60ac of primarily owned land – about 40ac are owned and 20ac are rented.”
Cows: ”We are running 18 cows as well as four replacement heifers who will calve down this winter. It’s mainly a commercial herd with a few pedigree Limousins and pedigree Herefords.”
Calving: ”We calve between the months of December and April. We sell the calves around the nine- or 10-month mark at Carrigallen Mart here near us. Last week, we sold a nine-month-old Charolais-cross bull and he weighed 455kg and made €1,500 (€3.20/kg). We also went with a nine-month-old Charolais-cross heifer and she was 335kg and made €990 (€2.95/kg).”
Breeding: ”We use 100% AI as my dad has the course done. We find it best for selecting the best bulls, breeding replacements and choosing easy-calving sires.”
Silage: ”We just made one cut of silage this year and got around 300 bales. My brother Martin is a contractor so he does all that work for us.”
ACRES:”All going well we’ll get into ACRES. Part of our farm will fall into the north Connacht, Ulster co-operation zone. To be honest, the measures will suit us as we have a river running around the perimeter of the farm. Riparian buffer strip, coppicing of hedgerows and sowing hedgerows and trees will all suit us.”
I studied: “Animal Science in UCD and then I went on to work in a feed mill in the midlands. Since 2021 I’ve been working with Teagasc as the only poultry adviser in the country.”
Quotable quote:”There are massive opportunities out there in agriculture and within the poultry industry for both young people and young women.”