The Corrigan Dairy Farm, located at Batterstown House in Co Meath, is a testament to the rapid progress and ambition of Eoin Corrigan, a relatively new entrant in dairy farming.

Established in 2021 in partnership with his parents, Sean and Catherine, and his wife, Róisín, the farm has quickly earned a place among the finalists in the NDC & Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards.

With 260 crossbred cows delivering an average of 445 kg of milk solids in 2023 and an impressively low TBC (8) and SCC (102), this is a farm making waves in the dairy sector.

Eoin is the fourth generation of the Corrigan family to farm this land, transforming it from a beef, sheep, and tillage enterprise into a thriving dairy operation. Spanning 147 hectares with an overall stocking rate of 2.24 LU/ha.

Despite his recent entry into dairy farming, Eoin’s hunger for knowledge is evident. He is a member of two discussion groups, the Greenfield Academy and the Mhi/Lu Discussion Group, and participates in the European Dairy Farmers network. To learn the practical end of the business, he started milking for neighbouring dairy farmers.

The Corrigan farm is truly a family and team effort. Alongside the four founding partners, the team includes Marty and Johnny Murray, Eimer Leonard, who is responsible for calf rearing, Claudia Durkan, the relief milker, and Patrick Egan, who works during the summer months.

Remarkably, none of the staff had prior experience on a dairy farm, but under Eoin’s mentorship, they have embraced the work, forming a cohesive and efficient team.

A structured work rota ensures everyone enjoys ample time off, striking a healthy work-life balance.

The herd has an impressive EBI of €224, with replacements at €260. Eoin’s focus on genetics is clear, with the entire herd genotyped.

Fifty of the best cows, as well as all the heifers, receive high EBI sexed semen. With 75% of the herd receiving beef AI, Eoin is a believer in the Dairy Beef Index, which he claims will produce more saleable calves.

Consumer engagement is another area where Eoin shines. He is a strong advocate for farmers engaging with urban communities, and regularly connecting with non-farming audiences.

Eoin conducts monthly Zoom calls with the sixth class at his local Boardmills National School, offering virtual farm tours, and he is a proud participant in the Airfield Estate’s Farmer Time Programme, which links farmers and students through digital video calls. The Corrigan farm has been linked to schools across Ireland, with Eoin even bringing a cow and her twin calves on a visit to Scoil Mhuire in Horeswood, Wexford.

Eoin’s wife, Roisin, plays a key role in the farm’s outreach, managing its Instagram account, which boasts over 3,000 followers. Her brilliant photos and stories from the farm offer a window into the world of Irish dairy farming, attracting followers from across the globe.