First things first, I’m no solicitor, but I’m fairly sure under EU law we wouldn’t be able to call this product “milk” as they do in the US. So from here on in, we’ll refer to it as lab-grown “juice”.

Anyway, The Dealer read with interest that a company in the US, Brown Foods, is getting ready to debut its product UnReal Milk.

Now, as we’ve already discussed, this is lab-grown juice.

It’s produced using mammalian cell culture – that is cells taken from a mammal – and allegedly has the same nutrition, taste and texture as milk.

Its founders also claim it can be used to make dairy products like cheese, butter and ice cream.

The juice was recently unveiled and is set to be taste tested by consumers in late 2025, with a pilot launch in late 2026.

Given the financial performance of other “alternative meat and dairy companies” in recent years, I don’t think dairy farmers will be overly concerned.