This week’s announcement that 98% of eligible applicants are now in receipt of payments under the Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) and Complementary Redistributive income Support for Sustainability (CRISS) should be recognised.
The rollout of payments under these two schemes and the Eco Scheme is among the best in Europe.
The majority of participants also received payment under the Beef Welfare Scheme this week.
Little solace
Of course, this is of little solace to those small number who have yet to receive payment.
Unfortunately, there remains huge room for improvement in the Agri Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) payments roll out.
There has been no official communication to advisers or farmers from the Department about how many farmers have been paid.
ACRES planners also seem to be in the dark as to what is happening. We don’t need a repeat of ACRES year one, when nobody knew anything. Better communication is the least farmers deserve.