Limerick charity Bóthar will ship 60 in-calf heifers to Kosovo this autumn to help local communities in need.

Two groups of farmers are currently preparing shipments of in-calf heifers to the nation.

One such group is in Co Wexford where the calves will be shipped in memory of Fr Felix Byrne of Monaseed, who passed away in September of last year.

The Bóthar team has a matching shipment of 30 in-calf heifers to ship from Roscrea Mart in October 2024.


The Roscrea shipment is possible thanks to the farmers who donated calves and heifers.

“As part of the changes at Bóthar, we had reduced our shipment size,” interim CEO at Bóthar Ailish O’Reilly said.

“The Fr Felix Byrne Memorial shipment allows Bóthar to increase our 2024 contribution to the community in Shtime, Kosovo. It also doubles the passing-on gift, reaching more families faster than we otherwise could achieve this year,” she said.

Through the passing-on programme, the Kosovo family which receives the in-calf heifer will in turn become donors. Participation in the programme includes an agreement by each family to pass-on the first female offspring born to their animal to another pre-selected family in the community.

Bóthar is now looking for donations from the public to help pay for shipment costs and help the heifers reach Kosovo.

Donations can be made online at Bó

Anyone interested in donating a heifer to the Wexford group can contact Willie at 086-8106672.