The Department of Agriculture spent €198,931 on delivering the Food Vision 2030 strategy.

This sum covers the strategy’s public consultation, its strategic environmental assessment and printing expenses.

The 2019-formed Beef Taskforce cost €132,116, including fees for the three consultancy reports. Beef Taskforce chair Michael Dowling received €377 in pay for every day worked in this role, the Department told the Irish Farmers Journal.

Food Vision Dairy group chair Prof Gerry Boyle and the organic strategy group chair Padraig Brennan receive €200 per day worked chairing their respective committees.

Neither Food Vision Beef and Sheep group chair Prof Thia Hennessey nor chair of the Food Vision 2030 group Tom Arnold receive payment for heading up their groups. The chairs of these two groups are eligible to recoup vouched travel expenses claimed in respect of in-person meetings but many meetings were held remotely during the pandemic.