A fake press release purporting to be from the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA), stating that president Francie Gorman was stepping down, was circulated to a number of media outlets.

The press release was sent on Monday evening 17 June. The story was carried online by a number of local media websites, which were subsequently removed.

In a statement sent to the IFA national council, director general Damien McDonald said this false statement referenced the Nature Restoration Law and that the IFA president had resigned.

“This fake press release appears to have been created by a party external to [the] IFA following yesterday’s controversy re: the Nature Restoration Law.

“You’ll be glad to hear the president is very much still in office and is on his way to Rome for the World Farmers Organisation Congress.

“This type of thing is a new low, but it won’t deter us from representing our members without fear or favour,” he said.


The IFA also sent a statement to media this Tuesday morning 18 June clarifying that the press release was not sent from the organisation.

“This statement was not issued by us. It is utterly false. Please disregard its contents,” it said.