The rainfall in the past week has given potato plants a much-needed boost of the growth. The trade for Queens has kicked off and growers report that there has been an uplift in the sales of Queens with boxes of Queens averaging €810. Secondary growths in potato plants is now the biggest issue faced among potato growers. The sprouting of the potatoes due to the prolonged heat and drought conditions has caused much confusion among growers due to the extremely rare occurrence of this problem. IFA potato chair Thomas McKeown has urged all farmers to closely inspect their crops whether irrigated or not, and to seek advice from their local agronomist. A few days can make a big difference in dealing with the problem of secondary growth so farmers are advised to act sooner rather than later. Prices for old season potatoes are stable as supplies are continuously moving and will be needed. In the UK and across Europe, buyers for processing have been a strong influence in the market this week. Varieties including Marfona with DM levels over 19.5% are quoted at £300 ex. With the new crop comes a new set of quality issues. In processing crops sprouting and regrowth is being seen and in the packing sector, growth cracks and Hollow heart as well as bruising have caused rejection this week. The April 2019 European future price has continued to increase with the price now at €313/t.