A Co Galway farmer is under investigation for allegedly causing a major fish kill in a tributary of the River Clare.

The fish kill was traced back to an alleged leakage of silage effluent into the river from a recently made silage pit. The effluent is alleged to have flowed into the Yellow River, a tributary of the River Clare.

Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) is carrying out an investigation, with the view to prosecuting the farmer responsible for the incident. The Yellow River is an important spawning and nursery habitat for young trout and salmon and a large number of trout are believed to have been killed due to this leakage.

Staff of the IFI were notified of the fish kill on 15 June and began their investigation when they discovered a large number of dead fish almost 1km downstream from the source of the pollution.

“Farmers are encouraged to be careful at this time of year when making silage and to be aware of any potential pollutants,” said a spokesman for the IFI.