The list of eligible investments in the new Targeted Agriculture Modernisation Scheme III (TAMS) excludes dribble bar equipment in favour of trailing shoe and shallow injection attachments.

Department sources have told the Irish Farmers Journal.

However, that the decision is not final and that the door remains open to include dribble bar attachments pending the outcome of further research regarding ammonia emissions compared to trailing shoe equipment.

International research had shown that ammonia emissions with trailing shoe equipment was marginally lower than trailing shoe equipment (28% ammonia loss v 34% ammonia loss).

As reported in this week’s paper, the Irish Farmers Journal understands that recent Irish research which has not been published yet suggests that dribble bar equipment is performing just as well when used correctly at reducing emissions and possibly even slightly better than trailing shoe equipment.

Manufacturers of dribble bar attachments and farmers have reacted angrily to the exclusion of dribble bar equipment, prompting high-level meetings between the Department of Agriculture and trade representatives.

New additions

There are a significant number of new investments included in the TAMS III listing. New items included under LESS are an inlet chopper (new or retrofit) priced at €3,500 and a flow meter to a new or existing tank (€3,251).

Umbilical systems are also included but again with trailing shoe or shallow injection attachments.

Rear discharge dung spreaders are also now included. This ties in with a focus on promoting environmentally friendly practices and encouraging farmers to recycle organic nutrients.

It also ties in with the Department of Agriculture’s aim of growing the area of land farmed organically to 7.5% of utilisable agricultural area by 2027.