The payment issues that GLAS farmers have been subject to over the past few months should serve as a stark warning to farmers in GLAS III not to fall into the same traps.
While there may have been issues with the Department’s IT system, farmers are not completely devoid of blame in some cases.
For some individuals, the Department cannot progress with GLAS payment until farmers complete key actions.
One of the key issues is the submission of nutrient management plans (NMPs) by farmers. There are still 1,330 NMPs that remain outstanding from GLAS I and II farmers, which should have been completed by 31 December 2016 and 1 March 2017 respectively.
The terms and conditions state that if this NMP is not submitted by 31 December for both GLAS I and II, then the GLAS participant will be terminated from the scheme.
Termination will lead to a big reduction in farm income, so anybody who has yet to receive their advance payment is advised to contact their adviser.
GLAS III farmers should act now
GLAS III farmers should also be planning ahead to ensure that they have their own NMP completed by 31 March 2018.
The NMP must outline the total chemical N and P for the whole farm.
For the soil samples to be valid in the year the GLAS NMP is prepared, they must have been taken after 15 September five years previously.
Therefore, for samples to be eligible for 2018, they must have been taken after 15 September 2013. However, if using old samples, it will mean that the NMP will have to be updated during the GLAS contract by taking new samples.
All GLAS contracts that have a GLAS action which has a chemical N restriction, such as low-input permanent pasture or traditional hay meadow, will require a review of the GLAS NMP in year three.
This will require the GLAS adviser to ensure that the NMP remains relevant and is being delivered properly.
For GLAS I and II participants, this review is due to happen throughout.